Five Reasons Why You Should Pack Raw Organic Honey In Your Holiday Bag

Are you going on holiday this summer?
Millions of holidays will be spoiled or cut short this year because of common illnesses that could have been prevented.
Most holidaymakers pack a first aid kit with them containing a number of items. The costs of this kit can add up.
Packing a couple of jars of raw honey in your first aid kit is not only cheaper than medical fees, it can save you a great deal of bother on your holiday.
Here are five reasons why you should pack a couple of jars of raw organic honey in your holiday bag.
1. Diarrhoea
An upset stomach is one of the most common problems faced by holidaymakers.
When you venture to a new area or country you encounter new types of bacteria that your body is not used to.
People tend to eat out more when on holiday. Differing standards of food hygiene increase the chances of catching a stomach bug.
Taking a teaspoon of raw organic honey mixed in a glass of warm water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach before breakfast is an easy way of flooding your digestive system with healthy “good” bacteria.
This “good” bacteria multiplies in your gut throughout the day and protects it from any bad bacteria that you might eat that day.
This lessens the chances of you catching a bacterial food bug and if you do catch one, it will be less severe.
Raw organic honey water is also a natural way to get over diarrhoea quickly.
A golden piece of advice when eating out is to avoid the salad and only drink bottled water.
Freshly cooked food usually destroys any bad bacteria but as salad is uncooked it frequently harbours bad bacteria picked up from busy restaurant kitchens.
Based on our research and feedback from customers, we recommend:
To prevent stomach upsets: one teaspoon a day in warm water (max 37C) on an empty stomach before breakfast
To combat bacterial stomach bugs: one teaspoon a day in warm water (max 37C) 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner
2. Insect bites and stings
During the summer people tend to stay outdoors for much longer, exposing them to higher risks of getting bitten or stung by insects.
Applying a small amount of raw organic honey, neat, onto the affected skin is a quick and natural way of neutralising any poison left by the insect and soothing any inflammation.
Unlike commercially pasteurised honey, raw organic honey is high in natural enzymes and healthy bacteria which together combat any foreign substances left in the skin after an insect bite or sting.
Based on our research and customer feedback the best honey from our range that we recommend to apply on insect bites and stings
The thick consistency of this honey makes its easy to apply on the skin without running off.
Apply a small amount of honey directly on the skin and leave it until the inflammation goes.
3. Allergic reactions
The body reacts in different ways when exposed to allergens outside your locality. This can lead to allergic reactions such as watery eyes, sneezing and itching.
Raw organic honey from a tree or plant high in heavy flower pollen is known to be effective in soothing the symptoms of the most common pollen based allergies.
Drinking a glass of Raw Organic honey water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach before breakfast floods the body with heavy flower pollen and has been reported to be very effective on pollen based allergies.
Mix a teaspoon of Raw Organic into a glass of warm water (max 37C) and drink on an empty stomach before breakfast.
If any hay fever flares up later in the day you can take it twice more throughout the day, always in warm water.
4. Common cold
People who lead busy or stressful lives frequently fall ill within the first few days of a holiday.
Stress hormones protect the body against infection while the body is stressed.
However, once the body relaxes, such as on holiday, the body lowers its guard and there are no longer those stress hormones present to defend the body.
The body then becomes susceptible to infection or illness.
To combat bacterial based common colds one teaspoon a day in warm water (max 37C) 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner
5. Constipation
The lack of a balanced diet high in fresh fruit and vegetables and low in water commonly leads to constipation.
Fresh fruit and vegetables contains natural enzymes that the body needs to keep its digestive system healthy.
But, as described above, eating fresh fruit and vegetables on holiday carries with it the risk of catching stomach bugs. So it becomes a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don’t scenario.
Raw organic honey water first thing in the morning floods the gut with living nutrients, enzymes and prebiotics that keep the digestive system functioning healthily and prevents constipation.
Based on our research and customer feedback, honeys from our range that we recommend to prevent and soothe constipation.
Mix one teaspoon a day in warm water (max 37C) on an empty stomach before breakfast.
And if you are going to visit family or friends don’t forget to take some raw honey jars to gift them. It is natural, tasty and
Safe travels 🙂