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Small Honey Bees Berry (Sidr) Fresh Forest Comb
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Small Honey Bee’s Berry (Sidr) Honey Comb
Honey Hunters Proudly Present Honey Comb of Small Honey Bee’s Berry Sidr Direct from Forest.
It’s very fresh and Rare Nobody can offer this Rare Honey comb direct from forest..
Eating honeycomb is one way you can enjoy the fruit of bees’ labor. Doing so may offer health benefits, ranging from a lower risk of infection to a healthier heart and liver. Raw honey differs from commercial honey because it’s not pasteurized or filtered.The raw honey has a more textured consistency than filtered honey. In addition, the waxy cells can be chewed as a gum.
- Anti-inflamatory benefits helps in allevating allerges.
- A natural and effective cough syrrup.
- A natural vaccine as it trigers the auto imune system due to its pollen content.
- An all-natural energy booster.
- Can reduce sugar craving. As the processed sugar – fructose and glucose – helps to satisfy the sweet tooth without adding to the caloriees.
- Boosts memoory because of the anti-oxidannts loaded in the sweet nectar.
- Suppress cough and cures infectiion of the upper respiraatory tract.
- A natural mood booster. It releases serotonnin. This neurotransmiter improves mood and happiness.
- A natural sleep aid. It releases melatonin. This regulates the quality and quantity of sleep.
- It’s anti-bacteriial and anti-fungaal properties help to treat dandruf and itchy scaalp.
- Can treat wounnds and burns when applied to the affecteed area.
- Prevents canceer and heart diseasees. Because of the presence of anti-oxiidants and flavonids.
- Treats ulceers and gastrointestiinal problems.
- Increases athletic performance. Maintain glycoogen levels and recovery time.
- Balances the 5 elements of the humaan body. Haileed by Ayurveda as the most potent liquid.
- A natural blood sugaar regulator.
- A great probioticc.
- Strengthens the imune system.
- A natural aphrodisac, as recommended by Ayurveeda. Regular consumption of milk and honey at night helps to improve sexusal desire and stamina.
- Contains zinnc and Vitamin E. It helps to improve the speerm count in men.
- Improvees fertiliity in men and women both. It contains a mineral called boron. This mineral increases testosteroone levels in men and metabolizes oeestrogen in women.
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Weight | 1 kg |
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Small Honey Bees Berry (Sidr) Fresh Forest Comb
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